Fail to get video on Live View or Playback?

Can’t get a satisfying video?

Taking too much time to get video on Live View or Playback?



Here we would like to show you how to solve your viewing issues on M-Sight Pro. You can try with one or several following steps to optimize the viewing experience.


Method 1. View with Secondary Stream

No matter Live View or Playback, it’s better to select secondary stream for viewing to decrease transmitted data (Secondary stream by default.).

Especially for MS-Nxxxx-UT, MS-Nxxxx-UNT and MS-Nxxxx-UPT, it is recommended to playback with secondary stream.

Live View: Click  and select Secondary.

Playback: Select Secondary as stream type to search video.  



① Make sure that you have enabled secondary stream of the camera. 


② For MS-Nxxxx-UT, MS-Nxxxx-UNT and MS-Nxxxx-UPT, please upgrade your NVR to V72.9.0.2-r2 or above, and select Secondary Stream or Primary+Secondary Stream for recording (Primary+Secondary Stream by default.). Then you can select secondary stream for playback.

NVR Firmware download Link: 


Method 2. Playback with Transcoding

Transcoding option is available in Playback for MS-Nxxxx-UH and MS-Nxxxx-UPH. It aims to transcode the recorded stream into a smaller one, reducing network load and providing better playback performance.

After searching out or playing recorded video, click  to expand Transcoding panel, then turn transcoding on, set desired parameters and click Confirm to make transcoding take effect. The default parameters when transcoding on are:

Frame Size: 704*576

Bit Rate: 128kbps

Frame Rate: Auto

If the performance is still not satisfying, please try to lower the transcoding parameters.

It is recommended to enable transcoding before playing recorded video if device is in poor network situation.


Your devices should be upgraded to below versions to make transcoding available.

NVR: V71.9.0.3 or above

iOS M-Sight Pro: V3.1.0.2-r6 or above

Android M-Sight Pro: V3.1.0.2-r7 or above

NVR Firmware Download Link:

Method 3. Turn Smart Stream On

Bandwidth, storage and bit rate are saved with Smart Stream On. For example, H.265+ saves 70%~80% bandwidth that of H.264.

So please turn on smart stream of the live view and record stream.  

You can operate it directly on iOS M-Sight Pro. Click   and select Custom, then select Smart Stream option. Smart stream is off by default.

Setting of smart stream is available on camera webpage and NVR configure interface as well.



Your devices should be upgraded to below versions if you want to directly operate Smart Stream on APP.

Camera: V4x.7.0.58 or above

NVR: V7x.8.0.6-r6 or above

iOS M-Sight Pro: V3.1.0.1 or above

Firmware Download Link:


Method 4. Lower the Video Parameters

If it still takes long time to get a video after trying method 1 and 3, try to lower the video parameters of live view and record stream!

It is recommended to use secondary stream for viewing and recording, then set it to 

Video Codec: H.264

Resolution: 640*360

Frame Rate: 15fps

Bit Rate: 512kbps

I-frame Interval: 15 frame

Smart Stream: On

All video parameters are adjustable according to the internet situation. For example, lower bit rate to 256kbps, set frame rate to 10fps and I-frame interval to 10 frame, etc.


Method 5. Decrease the Number of the Playing Channels

Decrease the number of the playing channels just in case that network bandwidth is not enough. Try to play one or four channels at the same time. The less the playing channels are, the faster playing speed you will get.


Method 6. Adjust Video Performance

Adjust video performance according to your need. You can find the option in General -> Video Performance.

Least Delay: Real-time video for live view.

Best Fluency: The video has the best fluency.

Balanced: Between Least Delay and Best.


Method 7. Check P2P Mode and Test NVR Speed on APP if NVR is Added via P2P

There is a P2P mode showing on the playing window, which includes LAN, P2P and RLY. Try to optimize the network situation if you get RLY mode.

LAN: NVR and mobile device network are in the same LAN.

P2P: Default mode for remote connection. Mobile device can directly connect and transmit data with NVR. Generally, P2P is the best way for remote connection.

RLY: Mobile device can't reach to NVR directly on remote connection, so data need to be transmitted via P2P Server.

Test NVR speed. You can find the option in device information interface, it will take a while to get test result. Try to optimize the network situation if the bandwidth is too low.

