Chapter I Introduction

Milesight VMS Enterprise supports User Management and Role Management, which can be used to manage the users permission. User management and role management enable authorized users to use authorized functions normally and legally, but exclude unauthorized users, which greatly protects account security.

User Management

Users can be added, modified and deleted from the User Management page in Milesight VMS Enterprise Client. Several properties of a user including User Name, Password, Confirm password, Role, Email Address and Remark can be configured.

Role Management

Role Management supports configuring the same functions and operation permissions for multiple users under a role. The resource access of role includes Function, Operation, Camera and Layout. There are four types of role which cant be deleted by default, including Owner, Administrator, Operator and Viewer. Also, you can add or delete customized roles. Different roles have different resource access:

Owner: There can only be one user who is Owner, which is the user added when the system is created, and the priority of role is highest.

Administrator: Own full access to function and operation permissions, resource access including Camera and Layout.

Operator: Own part access to function and operation permissions, resource access including Camera and Layout.

Viewer: Own part access to function and operation permissions, resource access including Camera and Layout.

Customized roles: You can customize the role permissions.

You can configure cameras for the customized roles. The administrator and owner can share their configured layout with the users under the role, so that users under the customized role can access to the devices in the layouts. 

The application of User&Role

User&Role can be used in E-map and Event Rule Settings. You can configure the users permissions on the E-map. And you can configure show notification to the specified users.

Chapter II User Settings

2.1 User Management

1. How to add a user

Step1: Click the button  in the Settings -> System & Servers -> User Settings -> User Management interface. 

Step2: Set the User Name, Password, Confirm password, Email Address and Remark as you want. And select a Role for the user, which include Owner, Administrator, Operator, Viewer and other custom roles.


1. There can only be one user who is Owner, which is the user added when the system is created, and the priority of role is highest.

2. The password must contain at least 8 characters and cannot consist of only digits or letters.


Step3: Configure user expiry date. When the user date expired, the user cant login into the VMS system. 


The user whose role is Owner never expire by default.


Step4: Configure three security questions for users, and each user can modify only his or her own security questions. Users need to answer these security questions before resetting the password, which greatly improves security.



Step5: Configure to change the password periodically, which are supported for better security protection. Change the password every 10 days, 30 days, 60days, 90 days or customize days are optional, and the system will prompt you to change the password periodically


Step6: Configure to change password when first login. The system will automatically prompts you to set a new password at first login. This option is supported for better security protection, too.



Step7: Click the button  to save the basic information for user. And the user will be created to the user list.


Step8: Click the icon  toggle to enable or disable this user.


1. The created users are enabled by default. When logging in to the VMS Client system, the user cannot disable itself.

2. If user is disabled, then the VMS Client system which the user login to will logout compulsively and pop up a reminder window User has been disabled or deleted, please contact administrator.



1. How to modify a user

Step1: Click a user which you want to modify.


Step2: Modify the information you want to change.


1. The Role attribute of user whose role is Owner cannot be modified.

2. The user name must be unique.


Step3: Click the button  to save the modified information. And a successful configured message will pop up in the lower right corner.


When you click other buttons outside the control panel before save the modified information, a window will pop up to inform you Configuration is not saved, discard changes?”.




2. How to delete a user

Step1: Click a user which you want to delete.


Step2: Click the button  , and a reminder window This user will be deleted will pop up. Click the button  to delete the user.


If you check the checkbox to keep user history data and even if click OK button to delete the user, then tag or locked recording video files added by user can still be kept.



2.2 Role Management

1. How to manage roles

There are four types of role which cant be deleted by default, including Owner, Administrator, Operator and Viewer. Also, you can add or delete customized roles. You can create multiple users under a role, then all users under the role will be listed in the User List.


You can click the  button to delete the user under the role.


(1) How to add customized role

Step1: Click the button  in the Settings -> System & Servers -> User Settings -> Role Management interface.


Step2: Set the Role Name and Remark you want.


Step3: Click the button  to save the Basic Information for role. And the role will be created to the role list.


The role name must be unique.


(2) How to modify a role

Step1: Click a role which you want to modify.


Step2: Modify the information you want to change.


Step3: Click the button  to save the modified information. And a successful configured message will pop up in the lower right corner.


(3) How to delete a role

Step1: Click a user which you want to delete.


Step2: Click the button  and a reminder window This role will be deleted will pop up. Click the button  to delete the user.



2. How to configure roles permissions

Different roles have different functions and operation permissions, resource access including Camera and Layout. 

(1) Administrator

Own full access to function and operation permissions, resource access including Camera and Layout. Even if Camera and Layout pages are not displayed, Administrator has full access to camera and layout of VMS system by default.


(2) Operator

Own part access to function and operation permissions, resource access including Camera and Layout. Even if Camera page is not displayed, Operator has full access to camera of VMS system by default.


1. The Operator has more access than the Viewer, like the Operator can operate the devices and access the Video Wall and Event logs.

2. The Layouts will be introduced in next part. About Layouts


(3) Viewer

Own part access to function and operation permissions, resource access including Camera and Layout. Even if Camera page is not displayed, Viewer has full access to camera of VMS system by default.


(4) Customized role

You can customize the role permissions. 

Step1: Click a customized role which you want to configure the role’s permissions. And click the button.


Step2: Select permissions for customized role as needed.


Step3: Click the button  to save the permissions. And then a successful configured message will pop-up in the lower right corner.



3. How to configure cameras for the customized roles

You can configure cameras for the customized roles as needed.

Step1: Select camerafor customized role as needed.

Step2: Click the button  to save the cameras.


When the customized role has Device Management Permission, the camera cannot be disabled.



4. About Layouts

Here the users of Administrator or Owner role can select the Operator, the Viewer and the customized role to share the layout, so that users under the Operator, the Viewer and the customized role can use the layouts and have access to the devices in the layouts.

(1) How to configure customized layouts

Step 1: First, determine the channels and their locations you're interested in, then right-click the camera live view window in the Live View interface to pop up a menu. And select  option to save the layout.


Step 2: You can name the new layout, and clickbutton to save it. Then the layout will be displayed under the Layouts module in the left Resource Panel.



Step 3: Right-click the corresponding layout and selectoption to preview the camera in the layout. You can also directly double-click the corresponding layout for quick viewing.



The operation of setting layout in the Playback interface is the same as that in the Live View interface.

(2) How to share layouts

Step 1: In the Settings -> System & Servers -> User Settings -> Role Management interface, users of Administrator or Owner role can select the corresponding role to share the layout.

Step 2: Choose the layout you want to share on the Layouts page, and click  button, the layout icon  will change to . In this way, all users under the corresponding role can use this layout and have access to the cameras in the layout.



Step 3: Click  button to check cameras in the layout. Hover your mouse over the channel to see the thumbnail and related information.


2.3 The application of User&Role

1. How to use User&Role in E-map

Step1: Click the button in the E-map -> User Permission interface. 


Step2: Configure the users permissions of this Map. Manage and View Only are optional.


The user under the customized role can see the assigned resources only.


Step3: Click the button  to save configuration.

2. How to use in Event Rule Settings

Step1: Click the button in the Settings -> System & Servers -> Event Rule Settings interface. 


Step2: Configure to show notification to the specified users.


Step3: Click the button  to save configuration.

