1. What is MQTT
MQTT is an open-source pub/sub communication protocol. It is efficient in its utilization of bandwidth and system resources. As a result, it is popular in use cases ranging from low-powered embedded systems to cloud-native micro services.
The pub/sub model is at the core of MQTT communication. Information is organized by topics. Client devices can publish data to a topic to send messages to any subscribers. Similarly, clients can subscribe to a topic to be notified when a message is published.
implement. These characteristics make it widely applicable.
2. MQTT Topics on the Camera
There are 5 Topics on the camera:
- Snapshot Topic
- Status Topic
- Alarm Topic
- Remote Configure Topic
- Configuration Request Topic
- Configuration Respond Topic
- Wake Topic (No shown on the page)
Note: Except the “Wake Topic”, all topic on the web page is customizable and has default value as shown below:
3. Application on the Camera
- 1. Enable the “Enable Post” , then the MQTT application functions.
- 2. Check the “Post Content” option , then the camera will send corresponding topic data.
For instance, if you want receive snapshots from the camera, you MUST check the “Snapshot” option, and set the “Snapshot Topic”.
- 3. “Configure Request Topic” and “Configure Respond Topic” are for remote configuration, after setting the topic, they function always.
- 4. Client subscribe the topic to receive and send data.
Note: All data is in JSON format.
4.Topic Description
1. Snapshot Topic
l Client subscribes the “Snapshot Topic” .
l Camera publish snapshot data to the “Snapshot Topic”.
l After receiving snapshot data, the client needs to decode the data and transform it to an image file.
Data sample:
"ts": 1682336818966,
"values": {
"devName": "4G Solar-powered ANPR Camera",
"devMac": "5CC5638AE729",
"file": "debug_202304240745431198T",
"time": 1682336743,
"imageSize": 20941,
"image": "...."
2. Status Topic
l Client subscribes the “Status Topic”.
l Each time when the camera wakes up, it sends status data to the “Status Topic”.
l The Heartbeat mechanism keeps the camera sending status data per hour.
Data sample:
"ts": 1689238041244,
"values": {
"devName": "4G Solar-powered ANPR Camera",
"devMac": "1CC3164126A2",
"battery": {
"soc": 91,
"capacity": 5682,
"voltage": 4052,
"healthy": 100,
"chargeCurrent": 0,
"chargeStat": 0,
"chargeVoltage": 10560,
"powerGoodStat": 0
"radar": {
"enable": 1
"gps": {
"latitude": "24.62493",
"longtitude": "118.03077",
"altitude": "59.8"
"cellular": {
"connectStatus": "4G Connected",
"simStatus": "Valid",
"signalStrength": 0,
"imei": "868444050582056",
"imsi": "460115211076172",
"iccid": "89860322245922526572",
"ipAddr": "",
"subMask": "",
"gateway": "",
"dns": "",
"dataMonthly": 6107722
3. Alarm Topic
l Client needs to subscribe to the “Alarm Topic”.
l Camera sends active alarms to this topic.
l Client parses the content after receiving it.
Data sample:
"ts": 1682336818966,
"values": {
"devName": "4G Solar-powered ANPR Camera",
"devMac": "5CC5638AE729",
"alarm": "Low power"
4.Remote Configure Topic
For more information about the API, please refer to the API document.
(1) Configure Request Topic
l Client send message to the “Configure Request Topic”
Get request sample:
"api": "get.sys.info",
"devMac": 1CC3164171FE"
Set request sample:
"api": "set.sys.info",
"devMac": 1CC3164171FE",
“data”: {
“deviceName”: “MQTT Test”
(2) Configure Response Topic
l Client subscribes the “Configure Response Topic”
Get response sample:
"devName": "4G Solar-powered ANPR Camera”,
"devMac": "1CC3164171FE",
"api": "get.sys.info",
"data": {
"deviceName": “4G Solar-powered ANPR Camera",
"model": "SC211-AU",
"hardware": "V1.0”,
"software": "C21.1.0.4",
"mac": "1C:C3:16:41:71:FE",
"sn": "264922455YG0”
Set response sample:
“devName”: “MQTT Test”,
“devMac”: “1CC3164171FE”,
“api”: “set.sys.info”,
“data”: {
“code”: 0,
“result”: “OK”
5. Wake
l When the camera is in sleep mode, Client sends any content to the “Wake Topic”, “4GSolarCam/Wake/5CC5638AE24C”, of which "5CC5638AE24C" is MAC address, to wake up the corresponding camera.
- l After the camera wakes up, it will automatically turn on 4G cellular, then you can log in the web page.